PRTR Inception Workshop Ecuador

May 8 2018 : Ecuador


On the 8th of May 2018, the Ministry of Environment of Ecuador held its national inception workshop, in the framework of the Global Project on the Implementation of PRTRs as a tool for POPs reporting, dissemination and awareness raising for Belarus, Cambodia, Ecuador. 67 participants, mostly form ministries, industries representatives, academia and civil society attended the workshop.

Through Webinar, UNITAR presented the GEF project, as well as a brief introduction on PRTRs, including their benefits and UNITAR’s 6-stages framework. The presentation concluded with a display of international PRTRs Example. Thereafter, the National Coordinator briefed the participants on the implementation of the project in Ecuador. This presentation was followed by the intervention of an IT expert who showed different features of the future national online reporting system. The workshop finished by engaging with the participants suggesting further paths regarding the next stages of the project implementation.