A training session was conducted by UNITAR and Ministry of Environment of Cambodia with international expert Mr. Makoto Takahashi, from EX Research Institute Ltd, from 17 to 19 October 2017 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, in frames of Global Project on the Implementation of Pollutant Release and Transfer Register as a tool for POPs reporting, dissemination and awareness raising Belarus, Cambodia, Ecuador, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Peru.
This three days training was conducted with a Training-to-Trainer (TOT) approach to brief the participants on Pollution Release Estimation Technique and Guideline on Pollution Release Estimation Technique
Summary of the event
17th October 2017
Mr. Phet Pichhara, Director of Hazardous Substance Management gave an opening remark and briefly introduced achievements of the Phase 1 project, plans of the Phase 2 project including implementation of the pilot trial of PRTR system designed at the Phase 1 project, and objectives of the training session. Following the opening remarks, Mr. Makoto Takahashi, briefed his experiences on RETs (Release estimation techniques) and made presentation of the PRTR system in Japan and comparison of PRTR systems among foreign countries and discussed differences with the draft system in Cambodia with the TWG members.
18th October 2017
The second day, Mr. Takahashi introduced differences of PRTR systems, RETs in Japan and international resources on RETs. Following was a discussion on a suitable way of developing a national RETs guidance document in. Also, the National Project Coordinator shared a developed draft on the online reporting system and the participants commented it. Mr. Takahashi gave later some suggestion on how to improve it
19th of October 2017
The last day, in reference to the discussions of the previous day, the expert gave suggestions to designing the PRTR system in Cambodia and a proposal for contents of national RET guidance documents.
If you want more information or documents about this event, please send a mail to cwm@unitar.org