The first cycle of trainings on application of the calculation methodologies for energy sector has been conducted by EPPO, Republic of Moldova on 29 November 2017 within the frames of Global Project on the Implementation of Pollutant Release and Transfer Register as a tool for POPs reporting, dissemination and awareness raising.
Before the training, the expert assessment of the energy sector in the Republic of Moldova was conducted and revealed a total of 115 economic operators, representing the following PRTR subsectors:
1a. Mineral oil and gas refineries
1c. Thermal power stations and other combustion installations
1d. Coke ovens
From the total number of identified economic operators for the training workshop there were selected and invited 38 operators, which have more than 10 employees and a higher turnover.
During the training the detailed technical presentation of the methodologies was done, comprising of: i)General description of the sector and subsectors; Relevance of the sector and subsectors for the Republic of Moldova; Availability of methodologies and categories of pollutants that can be calculated; Choice of calculation method - level 1 or 2; Calculation formula: activity data, emissions factors (default and national), units, etc.; Sources of data; Examples of calculations.
In the Republic of Moldova, there are reserves of oil and its extraction is performed nearby Valeni village, Cahul district, as well as of natural gas, whose extraction is performed at 6 wells nearby Victorovca village, Cantemir district. The electricity generation capacity include: Moldovan Thermal Power Plant (MTPP) in Dnestrovsk (on the left bank of the Dniester River); CHP-2 Chisinau; CHP-1 Chisinau; CHP-North Balti, including CHP owned by big companies. There are many Heat Plants (HPs) for small combustion in residential heating in the Republic of Moldova, mainly operating on natural gases and residual fuel oil, less on coal and biomass.
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