Launching of the project "Strengthening Capacities for Developing a National Pollutant Release and Transfer (PRTR) in Support of SAICM Implementation in Mongolia

March 23 2018 : Mongolia

The project “Strengthening Capacities for Developing a National Pollutant Release and Transfer (PRTR) in Support of SAICM Implementation in Mongolia", jointly implemented by UNITAR and the Ministry of Environment and Tourism of Mongolia has just started and will be executed during the entire year if 2018. The financial support for this project is provided by the SAICM Quick Strat Programme Trust Fund. Indeed its objective is to “support initial enabling capacity building and implementation activities in developing countries, least developed countries, small island developing States and countries with economies in transition”.


  • To enhance the availability of environmental information provided by the government to the public;
  • To foster dialogue between government, industry, and civil society;
  • To strengthen the capacities of the civil society to participate meaningfully in the PRTR designed process and SAICM implementation in general, including future or follow-up projects:
  • To raise awareness of high-level decision-maker in Mongolia with the goal of institutionalizing the national PRTR;
  • To formalize the process of PRTR design in Mongolia, including participation of concerned government sectors, as well as affected and interested parties;
  • To provide information and technical expertise to Mongolia relevant for making informed PRTR decisions which take into account national needs and circumstances; and
  • Contribute to the development of methodologies and knowledge-sharing at the international level about PRTR and SAICM implementation.

An Inception Workshop will be hold at the end of June in Ulaanbaatar . National stakeholders such as industry representatives, ministries, environmental NGOs, academia and civil society will be invited to participate and take an active role in the design of a national PRTR in Mongolia.

If you want more information or documents about this event, please send a mail to