PRTR Inception Workshop Moldova

February 19 2016 : Moldova

On 2nd February 2016, UNITAR held an inception workshop in Moldova regarding the "Global Project on the Implementation of PRTRs as a tool for POPs reporting, dissemination and awareness raising for Belarus, Cambodia, Ecuador, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Peru". The meeting was in partnership with the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Moldova and the Environmental Pollution Prevention Office (EPPO).


The PRTR Protocol was ratified in Moldova by the Law no 99 of 26 April 2013 and approved by the Presidential Decree no 658 of 45 June, 2013. This protocol aims at enhancing public access to information through the establishment of coherent, integrated, nationwide pollutant release and transfer registers (PRTRs), which could facilitate public participation in environmental decision-making as well as contribute to the prevention and reduction of pollution of the environment. In this case, the establishment of a PRTR aims to integrate many different report already produced into a single online reporting system that will optimize the reporting process.



Session 1: Implementation of the PRTR Protocol in the Republic of Moldova

Presented by Mrs. Svetlana Bolocan, chief of the Pollution Prevention and waste Management Department, MoEnv., Mr. Adrian Panciuc, chief of Legal Service of the MoEnv. and Mr. Andrei Isac, local consultant, AO EcoContact/REC.

  • Highlights of the progress and the conducted relevant activities
    • Feasibility study
    • Workshop on Electronic PRTR Systems
  • Presentation of the next steps toward the implementation of the PRTR Protocol
    • Database design
    • Potential new chemicals added to the list
  • Highlights of the major benefits of implementing the PRTR Protocol
  • Presentation of the draft law on the public access to environmental information, with particular focus on PRTR
  • Presentation of issues related to the establishment of PRTR in Moldova, with a special emphasis on the involvement of economic operators

Session 2: Presentation of the current projects related to PRTR

Presented by Mrs. Tatiana Țugui, manager, Environmental Pollution Prevention Office and Mrs. Rodica Iordanov, director, AO EcoContact/REC

  • Overview of the PRTR Global Project, exectued at a natiopnal level in Moldovia by EPPO
  • Presentation of the legal and institutional framework for operation of information systems
  • Display of the project “Support for development and promotion of PRTR in Balkans and Moldova” which aims at strengthening the transparency of decision-making on PRTR development and operation, by increasing public awareness and knowledge on PRTR to use PRTR data and to be involved in the implementation of PRTR Protocol                                

Session 3: Q&A, Conclusions and follow up

  • Dialogue with participants and members of the Project Steering Committee and Working Group
  • Presentation of different follow-up activities toward a complete implementation of the PRTR Protocol

If you want more information or documents about this event, please send a mail to